By Spring Childcare · 24 May 2022

Growing At Home

At Spring it is our mission to give children a healthy start in life, equipping them with the support, knowledge and nurturing they need to thrive. We have a largely holistic approach in our settings and make learning through play a priority. Children’s social, emotional and personal development thrives when learning outdoors, therefore it is at the forefront of our learning. We would like to share with you some of the benefits to being outdoors, the importance of sun safety and some of the fun outdoor activities we do within our settings, take a look below and try them at home. 


Benefits To Playing/Learning Outdoors 

  • Improved coordination, balance, and agility.  
  • More likely to enjoy being active later in life. 
  • Allows children to test their physical abilities. 
  • Teaches children how to behave appropriately in different environments. 
  • Allows children to develop themselves through engaging with risk, problem-solving and self-discovery. 


Sun Safety When Outdoors 

  • Minimising outdoor play during peak UV periods. 
  • Using shade for outdoor play. 
  • Use sun safe hats and protective clothing. 
  • Use sun cream and re-apply throughout the day. 
  • Educate children about the importance of sun protection. 
  • Role modelling sun protection has a positive influence on children. 



  • Plant Vegetables, Flowers, and Seeds 

Creating flourishing outdoor spaces is great for us and the environment. By growing our own plants and vegetables we can teach our children the importance of taking care of things and gives them important life skills while also making a sustainable difference. Why not make some seed bombs to plant in the garden, an easy and fun alternative to regular seed planting. Please follow the very easy steps below: 

  • Rip up some pieces of paper and pop them in a bowl.
  • Add a little bit of water.
  • Add your choice of seeds.
  • Mix them all up and roll them into little balls.
  • Plant in the garden.


  • Stone Painting 

Making our outdoor spaces beautiful does not always have to be focused on the things we plant, why not go on a walk to find some large stones. When you get home, you can paint these stones however you like and then place them around your garden areas.  

  • Fairy Garden 

Help your little one create a space in your garden that can be full of imagination. The more exciting a space is the more your children will want to connect with it repeatedly. You can use whatever you would like to create this space, making it your own. 

  • Mud Kitchen 

Mud Kitchens are a fantastic way to incorporate play and fun into gardening. You can build/buy your own mud kitchen or simply use some old pots and pans as an alternative.  


What We Offer at Spring 

As well as outdoor learning at all our spring settings we also have Forest schools. Our Forest schools enable each child to develop themselves in an inquisitive manner and build positive relationships with the natural world. By using the outside space, we help children understand how they fit into the world and what their part is to play. The learning is based around the children and their interests and will change day to day as the world does, offering children different unique learning experiences. Forest school is great in all weathers as different weathers provide a different environment for the children to explore!