Our breakfast clubs open at 7.30am and our staff team ensure children arrive at school safely and on time. Our staff wait with the children until they are transferred into the care of their class teacher.
Children can choose from a selection of breakfast cereals, toast, fresh fruit, milk and water. All in line with our Eat Better Start Better accredited menus.
Closing times vary across our settings, however, most of our after school clubs are open until 6.00pm. Please check our locations tool for confirmation of closing times at your chosen location.
If you are running late to collect your child please contact the settings play leader directly, this information can be found here. Please be advised there is a late collection fee.
Children make their own way to the after school club or a designated meeting point where they will be met by our staff. If your child fails to arrive our team will contact the school and parents directly to investigate.
Children will have access to our outdoor areas each day. Parents/carers should ensure children are equipped for all weathers i.e. rain, cold, sunshine.
Activities will vary from day to day, with staff and children working in partnership to produce a weekly schedule. Arts & crafts activities are very popular along with outdoor play. Children can participate in ‘organised’ activity or simply play with their friends. Children can also access our huge supply of toys, resources and equipment to facilitate their play.
Yes, we have a 3-week snack menu. Food provision is delivered twice weekly ensuring produce is fresh and is in line with our Eat Better Start Better accredited menus. If your child attends an after school club on a Friday please provide them with a packed lunch.
Our staff will be wearing their Spring Oscars uniform, which consists of a grey polo shirt, fleece and jacket.
Yes, all children and staff have access to hand washing facilities and are encouraged to use these often. Hand sanitiser will also be available within each setting.
Each of our settings have designated first aid trained staff who are on hand to help children. If your child becomes unwell/injured you will be contacted by the settings play leader straight away. We follow guidance set out by NHS Scotland and require that if your child has diarrhoea/vomiting, they shouldn’t go to school or any other childcare facility until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Please use the locations tool on our website to find your chosen Spring Oscars setting, if your enquiry is regarding the day to day running of a club please contact the settings Play leader directly, for enquires regarding spaces or bookings please use the enquiry form attached within each setting or email [email protected]. To ensure enquires are dealt with in an efficient manner please include your child’s name and setting in the subject line.