By Spring Childcare · 25 Jun 2024

Ofsted “GOOD” for Spring Layfield

We are over the moon to share that our Spring Layfield Nursery received a “GOOD” in their recent Ofsted inspection on the 23rd of May 2024.

Here are some of the highlights from the report:

  • Staff provide a very warm and welcoming setting for children. All children are happy and settled. They form good relationships with staff and their peers. The key-person system is very effective, and all staff know the children in their care very well. This enables staff to plan an ambitious curriculum indoors and outdoors for each child. Staff also ensure that they adhere to babies’ individual eating and sleeping patterns, which ensures that they settle quickly.
  • Staff are very skilled at including as many of the different areas of learning as possible into each activity to accelerate children’s learning. For example, during a physical exercise activity, staff include positional language and spatial awareness, which supports children’s early mathematical skills. They also introduce literacy and communication and language. Staff help children to learn about the effects that exercise, rest and drinking water have on their bodies and why they are important.
  • Children have a very good attitude to their learning. They are confident, busy and persevere well with tasks. For example, babies repeatedly scoop sand between two different-size spoons. This helps to promote their physical development, hand-eye coordination, and concentration skills. Older children laugh as they quickly try to make a ball shape from ‘melting’ gloop.
  • Staff ensure that children have regular opportunities to learn about and understand the world around them. They arrange for visitors to come to the setting, such as nurses, police officers, and dental hygienists, which has helped to promote children’s learning. Children receive healthy and nutritious meals and snacks. Staff encourage children to brush their teeth at the setting. Children thoroughly enjoy visits to an allotment and discuss the seeds they have planted
    and nurtured.


We spoke with Diane Medd, Nursery Manager at Spring Layfield, who was over the moon with the result.

I am always exceptionally proud of the learning opportunities the practitioners provide for the children at Spring Layfield and it is fantastic to see this captured in the report. We have an extremely dedicated team who are attentive to children’s individual needs, they create excellent relationships with all of the children they care for and it is lovely to see the inspector recognise this.  The report reflects on the children’s positive attitudes to learning which is testament to them, their families and the practitioners enthusiasm for creating a fun, nurturing environment. During her feedback at the end of the day the inspector commented about the team, saying how she can tell that all of the practitioners enjoy their roles and want to be here. As the manager of the setting I couldn’t ask for anymore.

If you would like to read the full report it can be found here

Join us in extending our congratulations to Diane and her team at Spring Layfield.