By Spring Childcare · 27 Jan 2025
Ofsted “GOOD” for Spring St Barts
We are over the moon to share that our Spring St Barts Nursery received a “GOOD” in their recent Ofsted inspection on the 7th of January 2025.
Here are some of the highlights from the report:
- Children and their families are greeted with smiles by kind and caring staff who know them well. This helps children to feel secure. Children enter eagerly, keen to explore the activities set up for them and to play with their friends. Managers and staff work hard to create engaging learning environments where children’s needs and interests are prioritised
- Staff provide children with activities that motivate and interest them. Children delight in making shaving foam ‘cakes’, which they share with their friends. They have in-depth conversations with staff about how to ‘ice’ them. This develops children’s imagination and creativity skills. Staff promote children’s language skills well. They are good role models, extending children’s understanding of new words.
- Children benefit from staff who promote a love of books. Staff enthusiastically read to children, fostering children’s excitement. Children delight in choosing books from the lending library. From a young age, children join in with stories, songs and rhymes, successfully supporting their literacy skills.
- Staff ensure that there are effective transition processes in place to help children settle. Children with SEND are provided with personalised plans to ensure that they access their full entitlement. Staff learn words in children’s home languages to help them feel included. Children identify their friends when sharing family photo books. This helps children feel valued and welcomed.
We spoke with Victoria Penney, Nursery Manager at St Barts, who was over the moon with the result, here’s what she had to say:
The entire team and I are immensely proud of this accomplishment.
My deputies and I joined the dedicated and passionate team here at St. Barts in April 2024, and we have embarked on a significant journey over the past few months. We are thrilled that our hard work, commitment, and determination were recognised by the inspectors, resulting in the report our nursery truly deserved. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our families for their invaluable feedback shared with the inspectors as well as for their continued support.
Here’s to a bright future for Spring St. Barts!
To read St Barts full Ofsted report please visit
Please join us in congratulating the team on their hard work and dedication.