By Spring Childcare · 17 Apr 2024
“GOOD” Ofsted result at Northumberland Heath
It’s another fantastic day here at Spring Childcare, we are over the moon to share that our Northumberland Heath Nursery received a “GOOD” in their recent Ofsted inspection on the 22nd of February 2024.
Here are some of the highlights from the report:
- The manager and the staff create an environment where children and their families feel they belong. The manager works well alongside staff, and they all know the families and their children’s needs. From the moment children enter the nursery, staff are on hand to welcome them warmly into their rooms. All children separate easily from their parents and carers. Staff are nurturing and attentive, and they make sure that all children are settled, happy and feel safe. For example, they know that some babies new to the setting enjoy being rocked to soothe them, which helps them to feel secure.
- All staff share the manager’s vision for children’s learning. They understand and implement her curriculum aims well overall. Staff sequence the curriculum well throughout the nursery. Their sharp focus on children’s personal, social and emotional development provides the foundation for their future learning. From babies through to pre-school age, all children enjoy opportunities to develop confidence and independence according to their ages and abilities.
- Staff work well with parents to share information about local services, the nursery and their children’s progress. Parents speak favourably about the staff team and the care and education their children receive. They feel that their children are safe, well educated and happy. They report that staff understand their children’s abilities and encourage their children’s progress well.
- Staff across all age groups encourage children to develop good communication and language skills. They narrate play well and introduce new words such as ‘massive’ and ‘hydrated’, which older children use in context as they play. They ask interesting questions to help children think and respond. Babies hear new sounds and words during stories, and toddlers enjoy repeating words. Pre-school children confidently speak about what they are doing and can explain the rules, such as only running in the garden.
We spoke to Northumberland Heath’s Manager, Zoe Towler, who was over the moon about the report.
I am thrilled that Spring Northumberland Heath got the Good grading they deserved. The team are dedicated, passionate and hard working, I was thrilled that the inspecting officer could see this for themselves.
If you would like to read the full report it can be found here
Join us in extending our congratulations to Zoe and her team at Spring Northumberland Heath.
Congratulations to Spring Northumberland Heath!