Spring Kinloss Nursery provides high quality early learning and childcare experiences for babies and young children from 4 months to 5 years. We work closely with our families to support their children in reaching their full potential. We are open all year round from 7.30 – 6.00, Monday to Friday, offering Early Learning and Childcare to all families in Moray. We provide both day care and government funded spaces offering 1140 hours (up to 30 hours per week) for three and four year olds and eligible 2 year olds. We have a large purpose built centre which includes bright, well-resourced rooms for babies, toddlers and pre-school children. We are registered to care for up to 100 children. We also have an enclosed garden area that allows all children to explore, investigate and extend their learning. The manager is qualified with BA Childhood Practice and all staff are qualified practitioners, or working towards their qualification, and are all registered with the SSSC. We are partner providers in delivering government funded places through Moray Council, and work closely with the Local Authority. We are inspected by the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland Our last inspection in November 2017 with the Care Inspectorate saw us awarded a 5 – very good. We were one of the pilot nurseries to be delivering extended 30 hour funded places and we have continued to do so since then.
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