Spring Oscars Canaan Lane


35 Canaan Lane
EH10 4SG



[email protected]


For information regarding the day to day running of our setting please contact [email protected]


If your enquiry is related to making a booking please use the ‘Enquire Now’ link below. For booking patterns or invoices please email [email protected]


In the circumstance where you feel your enquiry needs to be escalated or if you feel uncomfortable discussing it with your play leader please contact our Quality Support Advisor Helen Bowlby at [email protected]


Opening Times

Breakfast Club (7:40-9:00am) Monday- Friday
After School Club (2:30-6:00pm) Monday-Thursday
After School Club (11:30am - 5:00pm) Friday
Holiday Club – 8-5:30pm Monday-Thursday, 8-5pm Friday


Nicole Gracey
Helen Bowlby (Quality Support Advisor)


Childcare Type

Spring Oscars

Child eligibility

P1 & P2



Breakfast Club: (Plan) £6.80 (Ad-Hoc) £7.50
After School Club: Mon – Thu (Plan) £14.95 (Ad-Hoc) £16.00
After School Club: Friday (Plan) £18.80 (Ad-Hoc) £20.00

*We offer a sibling discount of 5%
*We offer a discount of 5% for Blue Light Card
*We offer a discount of 10% for full attendance

Late Pick up fee – up to 15 minutes £15
Late Pick up fee – over 15 minutes £20 per 15 minutes
Late Payment Letter £12
Late payment (charged per week) £20
Registration Fee £20


Not yet rated

Get in touch with Spring Oscars Canaan Lane to enquire about a space.

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About Spring Oscars Canaan Lane

Located within Canaan Lane Primary School, Spring Oscars @ Canaan Lane hosts pupils from Canaan Lane and South Morningside Primary School’s, currently Primary 1 and 2. The children are offered a healthy snack when they arrive at our After School Club and we run a Breakfast Club every morning. Our Play Room set up is filled with a variety of areas, such as, Literacy, Numeracy, Arts and Crafts/Creativity, Messy Play, Outdoor/Physical Play, STEM and Table Top activities.  We offer outdoor play in all weathers which the children love!  We plan all our activities based on the children’s interests/ needs and they are a mix between child led/adult led activities. To find us, please enter Canaan Lane Primary School at the main school entrance, and continue up the walkway to the Spring Oscars flag! We look forward to welcoming you.

Get in touch with Spring Oscars Canaan Lane to enquire about a space

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