Spring Oscars Corstorphine


Corstorphine Community Church,
7 Glebe Terrace,
EH12 7SQ


07971 095102

[email protected]

Waiting List Closed Until Further Notice


For information regarding the day to day running of our setting please contact [email protected]


If your enquiry is related to making a booking please use the ‘Enquire Now’ link below. For booking patterns or invoices please email [email protected]


In the circumstance where you feel your enquiry needs to be escalated or if you feel uncomfortable discussing it with your play leader please contact our Quality Support Advisor at [email protected]

Opening Times

Breakfast Club - NOW OPEN - 7.30am (Monday - Friday
After School Club open from end of school day until 6.00pm (Monday - Friday).


Laura Aide
Helen Bowlby (Quality Support Advisor)


Childcare Type

Spring Oscars

Child eligibility

Children of primary school age attending Corstorphine Primary School.


Limited car parking available in area surrounding Corstorphine Community Church Hall


Breakfast Club (Plan) £6.10 (Ad-Hoc) £6.45

*We offer a sibling discount of 5%
*We offer a discount of 5% for Blue Light Card
*We offer a discount of 10% for full attendance

Late Payment Letter £12
Late payment (charged per week) £20

Get in touch with Spring Oscars Corstorphine to enquire about a space.

Enquire now

About Spring Oscars Corstorphine

Located in the north west of the city of Edinburgh and based from the Corstorphine Community Church, Spring Oscars @ Corstorphine offers both breakfast and after school care during term time for up to 74 children from Corstorphine Primary School. The breakfast club is open from 0730hrs each morning, where our staff team are on hand to welcome parents and children.

Children can enjoy a healthy, nutritious breakfast in a safe, sociable environment where they can access our toys and resources for some play time with their friends before going to school. Our staff team make the short walk to Corstorphine Primary School with the children each morning, ensuring they arrive on time and are passed safely into the care of their respective class teacher. The after school club is open until 1800hrs each day during term time.

Our staff team collect children from Corstorphine Primary School before making the short walk to the Corstorphine Community Church. Children enjoy a healthy and nutritious snack every afternoon before participating in a wide range of activities, planned in collaboration by staff and children. Activities are varied to ensure the play needs of all children are met and they enjoy a positive play experience in our setting. Children have access to an enclosed, private play space in the church garden where they can enjoy outdoor play with their friends under the supervision of our staff team.

Get in touch with Spring Oscars Corstorphine to enquire about a space

Enquire now