Spring Oscars Pentland


Pentland Primary School,
Oxgangs Green,
EH13 9JF



[email protected]

For information regarding the day to day running of Pentland please email [email protected]


In the circumstance where you feel your enquiry needs to be escalated or if you feel uncomfortable discussing it with your play leader please contact our Quality Support Advisor Helen Bowlby on [email protected]





Opening Times

Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am and we begin taking children to class at 8.50am
After School Club open from end of school day until 5.45pm (Monday - Friday). Holiday programme open from 0800-1745hrs.


Breakfast Club - Laura Stennet
After School Club - Graham Anderson
Kyle Henderson (Senior Play Worker)
Helen Bowlby (Quality Support Advisor)


Childcare Type

Spring Oscars

Child eligibility

Children of primary school age attending Pentland Primary School. During holiday periods, children from other schools can attend.


Free car parking available in school car park and also surrounding residential area.


Breakfast Club: (Plan) £4.70 (Ad-Hoc) £5.60
After School Club Monday-Thursday: (Plan) £19.05 (Ad-Hoc) £22.40
After School Club Friday Session: (Plan) £24.10 (Ad-Hoc) £28.30

Holiday Club
Half-Day £26.10
Full-Day £43.40

*We offer a sibling discount of 5%
*We offer a discount of 5% for Blue Light Card
*We offer a discount of 10% for full attendance

Late Pick up fee – up to 15 minutes £15
Late Pick up fee – over 15 minutes £20 per 15 minutes
Late Payment Letter £12
Late payment (charged per week) £20

For bookings click ENQUIRE NOW.

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About Spring Oscars Pentland

Located in the south west of the city of Edinburgh and based from Pentland Primary School, Spring Oscars @ Pentland is a 55 place setting providing out of school childcare throughout the year. Our term time provision after school club is exclusively for children attending Pentland Primary School in classes primary 1 up to primary 7. However, during holiday periods, children from other local schools and surrounding area can enjoy our full day activity programmes.

Our after school club is open until 1745hrs each day during term time and our staff team are on hand to collect children from their respective exit points at the end of their school day before making the short walk to the after school club base. Upon arrival, the children receive a healthy and nutritious snack before activities commence. The activity schedule in varied and planned carefully in advance by both children and staff who work in collaboration. Whether indoors or outdoors, children attending Spring Oscars @ Pentland enjoy a vast array of play opportunities and experiences.

The outdoor play spaces at Pentland Primary School are fantastic, with access to the playground and playing field offering terrific opportunities for children and staff to be imaginative, creative and active each day. During school holiday periods, Spring Oscars @ Pentland provides a full day activity programme from 0800-1745hrs. Mid morning and mid-afternoon snack is provided, while children should bring their own packed lunch.

Get in touch with Spring Oscars Pentland to enquire about a space

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